
$99 Ice Cream Sandwich Tablet to Debut in US - saulsfelf1971

The Novo7, a 7-inch tablet available in China that runs Ice Cream Sandwich, is set to arrive in the United States in the coming months with an expected price of $99.

The gimpy-changing pad of paper could shake up the market just like the Kindle Blast did with its debut in November. The Novo7 doesn't skimp on specs and cut corners at every turn. It has a MIPS XBurst 1GHz CPU and includes straw man and rear cameras, 3D capability, 1080p video decipherment and an HDMI port wine, not to mention up to 8 hours of bombardment biography while watching video. IT too features a multitouch-able touch screen and the latest version of Mechanical man, where other tuppeny tablets undergo been known to run older versions.

$99 Ice Cream Sandwich Tablet to Debut in US

Currently offered in China from Ainol Electronics, the tablet is likely to be available in North America from brand name calling including Leader International and OMG Electronics.

Other indication of the Novo7's seriousness is the fact that IT has been certified past Google. In fact, the Novo7 is equivalent to Google and MIPS firing a shot crosswise the defer of their respective competitors, most specifically Amazon and ARM.

While Amazon's Kindle Fervidness May technically be reinforced upon Android, the mobile operating system was drastically equivocal to suit the e-retailer's needs and the $199 tablet doesn't offering access to the Humanoid Market.

Android tablets have struggled to vie with the iPad in the high-end market, so perhaps Google sees a chance to quest for the lower end of the commercialise. That strategy proved sure-fire with smartphones, where it has been gobbling up a huge chunk of the commercialise and outselling the iPhone.

For MIPS, the Novo7 could represent an hard-hitting agitate into the pad of paper market currently dominated by ARM processors. Earlier this year, the company said it planned to have an Icecream Sandwich demo obtainable inside weeks of the turn of the source inscribe, with a model in production within 90 days. Alternatively, the Novo7 became available inside weeks instead of months.

"I'm excited to see the entrance of MIPS-Founded Android 4.0 tablets into the market," Google's Android nou, Andy Rubin, said in a statement. "Affordable, high-performance tablets are a big win for mobile consumers and a strong illustration of how Android's openness drives innovation and competition for the benefit of consumers around the world."

MIPS currently dominates the embedded twist market, and more like Intel, is convinced it has a shaft at challenging ARM in the moveable sector. The company says 8- and 9-inch form factors are already in the works.

It is reportedly possible to suffer a Novo7 from Asia right now for about $50 in transport costs, provided you canful find a locate that ISN't sold extinct of them.

E-mail Eric at EMackPCW at Gmail, postdate him on Twitter , and at . Follow PCWorld on Twitter , too.


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