
AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution comes to SteamVR via mod

Many gamers accept enjoyed the heave to performance AMD'due south FidelityFX Super Resolution has provided to the games it's implemented in, such equally Square Enix'south Avengers. Frame rates go up, PC performance improves, and the game'southward actual visuals and resolution remain sleek and shiny. That's the promise of FSR, and it'south at present being brought to SteamVR experiences to help them along.

VR games can often be demanding experiences that struggle to look quite as good as their flatscreen counterparts while also using upwards the same, or far more than, hardware resources. Therefore, implementing FSR would help machines run VR experiences more efficiently while likewise helping keep them looking every bit expert as is possible.

GitHub user fholger has washed just that, bringing FSR to SteamVR and, by extension, a multitude of VR games (via Tom'south Hardware). They'll need to be using D3D11 to have a shot at enjoying the FSR upscaling perks. And remember, because of how AMD has fabricated FSR, it'll work on NVIDIA cards as well, and so no 1 with the best graphics cards is excluded from trying to heighten their VR feel via fholger's mod (RTX 3060 Ti owners, rejoice!).

Fallout 4 Vr FsrThe left side has no FSR, while the right side has FSR Ultra enabled. Source: fholger

Equally an experimental modern, perfection is non guaranteed. The "Readme" area of fholger's GitHub modernistic posting contains the following message: "This is a best-effort experiment and hack to bring this upscaling technique to VR games which do not support information technology natively. Please understand that the arroyo taken here cannot guarantee the optimal quality that FSR might, in theory, exist capable of."

There are other important disclaimers in the Readme section, so be sure to exercise your homework before crowbarring FSR into your SteamVR games.


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